Class 12 cs reduced syllabus

 Chapter 1: Function

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Function with respect to programming language

Chapter 2: Data Abstraction

2.1 Data Abstraction - Introduction

2.2 Abstract Data Types

2.3 Constructors and Selectors

Chapter 3: Scoping

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Variable scope

3.3 LEGB rule

3.4 Types of Variable scope

Chapter 4: Algorithmic Strategies

4.1 Introduction to Algorithmic strategies

4.4 Algorithm for searching Techniques

4.5 Sorting techniques

Chapter 5: Python - Variables and Operators

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Key features of Python

5.3 Programming in Python

5.4 Input and Output functions

5.5 Comments in Python

5.6 Indentation

5.7 Tokens

Chapter 6: Control Structures

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Control structures

Chapter 7: Python Functions

7.1 Introduction - Types of functions

7.2 Defining functions

7.3 Calling a function

7.4 Passing Parameters

7.6 Anonymous functions

7.7 Return statement

7.8 Scope of Variables

Chapter 8: Strings and String Manipulations

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Creating Strings

8.3 Accessing characters in a string

8.4 Modifying and Deleting String

8.5 String Operators

Chapter 9: Lists, Tuples, Sets and Dictionaries

9.1 Introduction to List

9.2 Tuples

9.3 Sets

Chapter 10: Python Classes and Objects

10.1 Introduction to Classes and Objects

10.2 Defining classes

10.3 Creating Objects

10.4 Accessing Class index

10.5 Class Methods

10.6 Constructors and Destructors in Python

10.7 Public and Private Members

Chapter 11: Database Concepts

11.1 Data

11.2 Information

11.3 Database

11.4 DBMS Concepts

11.5 Database structure

Chapter 12: Structured Query Language

12.1 Introduction to SQL

12.2 Creating Database

12.5 Components of SQL

12.7 SQL Commands and Functions

Chapter 13: Python and CSV Files

13.1 Introduction

13.2 Difference between CSV and XLS file formats

13.3 Purpose of CSV File

13.4 Creating a CSV file using Notepad (or any text edition)

13.6 Read and Write a CSV file using Python

13.6.1 Read a CSV File using Python

13.7 Writing Data into Different Types in CSV

13.7.1 Creating a new Normal CSV File

13.7.2 Modifying an Existing File

13.7.3 CSV Files with Quotes

Chapter 14: Importing C++ Programs in Python

14.1 Introduction

14.2 Scripting Language

14.3 Applications of Scripting Lnaguages

14.5 Importing C++ Files in Python

14.6 Python Program to import C++

Chapter 15: Data Manipulation through SQL

15.1 Introduction

15.2 SQLite

15.3 Creating a Database using SQLite

15.4 SQL Query using Python

15.4.1 SELECT Query

15.6 Querying a Date Column

15.7 Aggregate Functions

15.8 Updating A Record

15.9 Deleting Operation

Chapter 16: Data Visualization using Pyplot

16.1 Data Visualization Definition

16.2 Getting started

16.3 Special Plot Types

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